西北工业大学2021年留学生诗歌朗诵大赛2021 Recitation Contest for NPU International Students

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西北工业大学2021年留学生诗歌朗诵大赛2021 Recitation Contest for NPU International Students

2023-08-22 17:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265







一、比赛内容Competition content





王勃 -唐代





Seeing Vice-Magistrate Du off to Sichuan ProvinceWang Bo - Tang DynastyNow comes the time for us to bid farewell,And we will both be away from home on duty.So long as we remain hug each other in our heart,We'll still feel like neighbour despite the distance apart.

Standing at the fork of a road,

Please don't cry, though we must be separate.








Visiting an Old Friend's CottageMeng Haoran- Tang Dynasty

An old friend has prepared chicken and foodAnd invited me to his cottage hall.The village is surrounded by green wood;Blue mountains slant beyond the city wall.The window opened, we face field and ground,And cup in hand, we talk of crops of grain.When the Double Ninth Festival comes round,I will come for chrysanthemums again.


《祝愿》——写给友人生日汪国真因为你的降临这一天成了一个美丽的日子从此世界便多了一抹诱人的色彩而我记忆的画屏上更添了许多美好的怀念似锦如织我亲爱的朋友请接受我深深的祝愿愿所有的欢乐都陪伴着你仰首是春 俯首是秋愿所有的幸福都追随着你月圆是画 月缺是诗


——To friend`s birthday

Wang Guozhen

Because of your

Today has become a beautiful day

Since then

the world has a more attractive color

And on the screen of my memory

Added a lot of beautiful memories

My dear friend

Please accept my deep wishes

May all the joy be with you

Through the seasons

May all happiness follow you

A full moon is a picture, and a short moon is a poem





不站起来才不会倒下更何况我们要去浪迹天涯跌倒是一次纪念纪念是一朵温馨的花寻找 管什么日月星辰跋涉 分什么春秋冬夏我们就这样携着手走呵 走呵你说,看到大海的时候你会舒心的笑是呵 是呵我们的笑 能挽住云霞可是,我不知道当我们想笑的时候会不会却是 潸然泪下

To dear friends

Wang Guozhen

If you don't get up

You won't fall


We're going to wander around the world

Fall is a memory

Commemoration is a warm flower

Looking for the sun, moon and stars

Trudge through spring and autumn, winter and summer

This is how we hold hands

Go, go,

You say, when you see the sea

You'll smile comfortably

Yeah, yeah

Our smile can hold the clouds

But I don't know

When we want to laugh

Will we

Also shed tears?






Please scan the QR code to get the phonetic version of poems and demo videos

二、比赛要求Competition requirements

1. 请选择以“友情”为主题的中国古诗、中国现代诗或留学生本国诗歌。

2. 参赛选手必须使用中文朗诵,要求发音标准、流畅、吐字清晰、声音洪亮;朗诵感情丰富,具有表现力和感染力;仪表仪态大方得体,动作表情协调自然。

3. 在朗诵时可选择配乐。

4. 朗诵时间不得超过3分钟。

5. 朗诵时不要求脱稿。

6. 请将你的朗诵视频在2021年6月10日以前以MP4格式发送至[email protected],并在邮件中注明学号、英文名和中文名。

三、比赛评审Competition review

1. 评委将从朗诵内容、字音、流畅度、感情、节奏和仪态等角度进行评判;

2. 比赛结果将在6月中旬公布;

3. 设置奖项为一等奖2名,二等奖5名,三等奖10名,优秀奖20名;

4. 获奖学生将获得证书。







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